Volunteer FormThe GLIMA organization encourages the participation of volunteers and is pleased with your interest in our mission. The information on this form will be kept confidential and will help us find the most satisfying and appropriate volunteer opportunity for you. Thank you for your interest in our organization. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastADDRESS *City, State, & Zipcode *Email *Phone Number *Employer *Position *Special Certifications (i.e. CPR) *Any special talents or skills you have that you feel would benefit our organization? Have you ever been convicted or pleaded guilty to any crime? *yesnoIf yes, please describe below Do you have experience working with children? *yesnoIf yes, please describe below *Do you participate in any Sports or Fitness Programs? *yesnoIf yes, please describe below *Are you Familiar or Have experience working with people with Disabilities? *yesnoIf yes, please describe below *Interests: Which areas you are interested in volunteering for? You can pick more than one. *AdministrationEventsProgrammingFundraisingSocial MediaYogaMartial ArtsDanceIf you would like to work directly with students--PLEASE READ: The GLIMA volunteer class assistant position provides support by assisting students with movements and positions and helping the teacher maintain control of the classroom and class flow. Experience doing yoga, dance, and/or martial arts is preferred. You must complete the application process which includes initiating and paying for a background check and filling out the Elite Performance/GLIMA waiver and release forms. You will be required to attend a volunteer orientation session which includes doing a training on Sexual Abuse and Molestation Issue. You must be able to commit to assist in a minimum of 2 classes per month and attend on-going trainings (short sessions offered at regular intervals to learn techniques for assisting students) *Yes, I understand and agreeNo, I am not interested in volunteering with students directly but would like to be involved in GLIMA..Submit